What is CKS?

Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan is a non-profit organization dedicated to introducing, developing, and pursuing excellence in paddling disciplines (canoe, kayak, dragon boat, paddle boarding) in Saskatchewan.

CKS is the Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) for four paddling disciplines: Recreation, Marathon, Sprint, and Whitewater. 

It is comprised of “Member Clubs” that offer programming around the province. 

CKS is governed by a Board of Directors and the daily operations and program development are managed by two Staff members and Summer Students. 

CKS is a member of Canoe Kayak Canada and Paddle Canada. 


Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan was incorporated in 1976.  Initially it was called the Saskatchewan Canoeing Association. With some minor name changes over the years, it was officially renamed to Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan Inc. in 2006.


Inspiring and supporting Saskatchewan paddlers in their pursuit of excellence & Life-long participation.


The purpose of Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan is to promote life-long participation, enjoyment and excellence in paddling.

Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan Values:


  • PARTNERSHIPS with our member clubs and other organizations
  • ACTIONS that are transparent and accountable
  • DILIGENCE with the equitable distribution of resources 
  • DEDICATION to the growth of diverse paddling programs in SK
  • LEADERSHIP in achieving organizational excellence through the identification of a clear purpose, strong policies and procedures
  • ENGAGEMENT in all levels of the sport (Athlete, Coach, Volunteer, Official, Parents)

What does CKS Do?


CKS provides leadership in the areas of governance, finances, and general operations while supporting and celebrating each of its member clubs’ unique qualities and contributions to the paddling community. 


CKS is a grant recipient through Sask Sport of the Sask Lotteries Trust Fund(SLTF). With this funding, CKS financially assists clubs and provincial level programming within the four paddling disciplines (Recreation, Marathon, Sprint, Whitewater). Programs engage communities in all SPRA Sport districts. Self-help revenue is collected in the form of club membership dues, and those funds are put towards the operational and provincial programming of CKS.

Strategic Planning 2024-2026

Experience Increase Access to Programming” 

Paddling is a lifelong and inclusive sport. Participants can join at any stage of the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) pathway. CKS and member clubs partner with community organizations and grant partners to improve access, reduce participant barriers, and offer paddling sessions that are welcoming, supportive and challenging. CKS develops, supports and celebrates Learn-to-Paddle, Newcomer, Indigenous, PaddleAll and Para (participants with disabilities) programs through our member clubs and our Provincial level programming. 

Educate “Increase SK Residents Knowledge of Sport, CKS, Athlete, Coaches, Official Pathways”

CKS strives for transparency within CKS Structure and Operations, and for creating clear pathways for athletes, coaches, and officials. CKS supports the certification and continued professional development of coaches and officials in our province. CKS works with clubs and communities to offer/arrange and financially support paddling instructors and NCCP certified courses. CKS proudly celebrates SK officials that represent the province at Divisional, National and International competitions. At the provincial level, CKS develops programs to engage communities and develop a paddling culture. These programs encourage participation and knowledge of the four paddling disciplines, our member clubs, as well as other paddling opportunities that are found in the province.

Establish “Creation of Sustainable Programming” 

CKS works directly with community members to identify, create pathways, and support the creation of new programming and clubs in our province. CKS strives to improve connections with First Nation communities while supporting paddling initiatives and creating training centers for Indigenous youth to attend the Tony Cote Summer Games and/or the North American Indigenous Games. 

Encourage “Assist with Sustainable Club and Program Development” 

CKS works with its member clubs to develop achievable short and long term goals. Sustainability and continued growth is essential to the development of our clubs. CKS helps bridge the communication gap with provincial and national organizations. CKS assists with applications, and directly applies for external grants to further support member clubs and cover program costs.

Excellence “Assist Athletes, Coaches, and Officials on their Path to Excellence”

In addition to numerous local regattas (competitions) hosted by CKS member clubs, competitive athletes represent Saskatchewan at divisional, national and international competitions. CKS assists clubs with pathways to building High Performance Programs and with the recruitment and support of Developmental and High Performance(HP) athletes. CKS financially supports HP clubs attending national competitions, and encourages coaches and officials as they achieve higher certifications. CKS is an organizer of the Canoe-Kayak event of the Tony Cote Summer Games, and supports many levels of Team Sask athletes attending the North American Indigenous Games.

Evaluate “Data Collection & Assessment & Plans for improvement for CKS

CKS surveys and collects data from member clubs on membership, club operations, and program challenges/successes. This information is used to create plans with steps to achieve goals. CKS reviews its Bylaws, Strategic plan, annual Operational plan, CKS Policies, and Funding Formulas to ensure continued growth and improvement.

For a complete look at the Strategic Plan – Click HERE